In August show, hosts Rinaldo S. Brutoco and Academy Executive Director Matt Renner discussed major domestic and international economic news; the economic threats from climate change, including the massive threat to the reinsurance industry; and, during the lightning round, our hosts discussed the outlook for various asset classes including oil and gas stocks, dividend stocks, Real Estate and gold.
Our guest this month was Academy Fellow and renowned author Hazel Henderson, a world renowned futurist, evolutionary economist, a worldwide syndicated columnist, consultant on sustainable development, and author of the award-winning book Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy and eight other books. She is the founder of Ethical Markets, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the evolution of capitalism beyond current models based on materialism, maximizing self-interest and profit, competition and fear of scarcity. Instead, they believe capitalism combined with humanity’s growing knowledge of the interdependence of all life on Planet Earth, can evolve to serve today’s new needs and our common future—beyond maximizing profits for shareholders and management, to benefiting all stakeholders.