In 2019, The World Business Academy launched a weekly radio talk show hosted by founder Rinaldo Brutoco called “Solutions News”. On the show each week, we discussed solutions to local, national and global problems to give people optimism concerning solutions for the future.
Pas episodes are available on SoundCloud and also available in Apple Podcasts. For more details on the archived shows, please visit the Solutions News website!
Focusing on solutions: The antidote to cynicism & despair

We believe people just don’t realize that there are solutions to all the problems covered in today’s media, and if we take a hard look at these solutions, a new optimism will emerge that helps us get through these dark times. Solutions News is our commitment to help people see, experience and act on the strategies that can work and are working today.
Each week we addressed a wide range of solutions to issues including climate change, personal growth and development, the economy, and personal finance and investment, just to name a few. Each program featured guest including Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, and other notable “solutions” thinkers and authors.