In this month’s show, our hosts Rinaldo S. Brutoco and Matt Renner give an update on the state of global warming—the news is currently full of almost unbelievable weather events, including massive storms in Hiroshima Japan, Long Island New York and Phoenix Arizona. This is the accelerating and unprecedented wrath of climate change. Our hosts discuss the carnage and the need for a carbon tax.
The current chaos in the Middle East is deeply tied to global warming and energy. The various crises are interrelated and are all seemingly getting worse. Rinaldo discusses a possible solution which takes on many of the challenges in the region all at once, in order to have a greater potential for success.
The global energy situation is at the heart of global warming, the conflict in the Middle East, and to the state of affairs across the globe. The Academy is pounding the pavement promoting a systemic change that would demonstrate the viability of an energy system run entirely on renewable energy. The Academy is working to help launch a pilot project for these systemic changes, starting in California, which our hosts also discuss.
Finally, the work of the World Business Academy relies on the buy-in of our listeners and our network. If you listen to this show and appreciate the message, please realign some of your resources to help the cause.