December’s show features an update on the “Economic Doomsday Clock” – a new metric Academy President Rinaldo S. Brutoco is using to describe the state of the US and global economies. If the clock hits midnight, it signifies the beginning of a MAJOR recession.
The good news: the Economic Doomsday Clock has ticked backwards, further away from midnight. Some positive indicators, including sanity, seem to be winning the day inside the Republican Party leadership, giving us hope that the brinksmanship which has threatened to reverse the gains in the US economy is less imminent.
The bad news: The major threats to global economic stability are still hanging out there like a specter – it’s not clear that the Republicans can keep their radical fringe in line, so it’s possible there could be more dangerous brinksmanship; Russian President Putin continues to act in an unpredictable manner; and climate change is only getting more dangerous with every pound of CO2 we add to the atmosphere.
We interview Mark Morey, who leads The Connected Leader. He dedicates his life to helping business leaders achieve healthy, functioning, and self-sustaining organizational cultures by harnessing the authentic and powerful principles of nature. He will be hosting an upcoming workshop in Santa Barbara on January 9 at 4PM at the Synergy Business and Technology Center and in other locations in California. For more information, visit his website:
In the new Economic Drill-Down segment (formerly the “Lightning Round”) Rinaldo gives practical advice for money managers and individuals who are working with financial advisors about how he approaches his economic forecasting. Short version: Stay away from group think and the herd mentality!
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