In this month’s show, our hosts Rinaldo S. Brutoco and Matt Renner discuss a historic moment in the battle for clean energy – the power of the fossil fuel companies to artificially inflate gasoline prices at the pump—and to extract even greater profits from consumers as a result—has been broken. The effort to gouge consumers this summer failed! Despite the common excuses the oil companies tried to use to cover their tracks (destabilization in the Middle East, the beginning of the summer driving season etc.), they were unable to keep prices inflated. Listen to hear more about the monumental implications of this change and how it will effect you.
In news of other historical accomplishments, the Divest/Invest campaign, working toward full divestment from fossil fuel stocks and the investment in the renewable and regenerative business sector, continues to score major victories. Listen back to our April radio show for more on this campaign.
In addition to other news and analysis, our hosts discuss the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, focusing on the situation in Israel/Palestine. There’s a path forward that could bring about significant healing and cooperation but it will take concerted effort and trust-building to achieve it.
Finally, in financial news, Rinaldo gives the Academy’s outlook for Real Estate, stocks, bonds, and an overall outlook for inflation.