December 10, 2024 / Nearshore Americas Narayan Ammachchi reports on Ecuador’s severe energy crisis from daily blackouts, including insights from Rinaldo Brutoco, advocating for renewable energy and microgrids to address the country’s dependence on hydroelectric power, which has been crippled by droughts and infrastructure issues. Read the whole story here.
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Needs Urgent Attention
Sandbags have not been enough to stop the daily leak of 400 tons of radioactive…
Celebrating Crisis: Towards a Culture of Cooperation
Humanity, like all other species of Earth before and with us, is evolving.
Safe Energy Project Presentation
World Business Academy Founder Rinaldo S. Brutoco presents the moral and economic case against nuclear…
Big Data, Big Brother
Your computer is watching you.
This is THE Time
The Academy's Founding President, Rinaldo S. Brutoco, kicked off the event with a presentation on…
The Hydrogen Solution
In the United States, unlike in Europe and Asia, discussion of hydrogen energy and fuel…
Permanently Closed: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
Groups including World Business Academy’s Safe Energy Project successfully lobby for closure (Click here for…
Polluters Get Free Ride with $1.9 Trillion in Fossil Fuel Subsidies
A new report by the International Monetary Fund concludes that the best way to fight…