The Academy’s Founding President, Rinaldo S. Brutoco, kicked off the event with a presentation on the existential threat posed by climate change.
Archives for June 2013
The Hydrogen Solution
In the United States, unlike in Europe and Asia, discussion of hydrogen energy and fuel cells as systemic, game-changing technologies is largely absent. That needs to change.
Permanently Closed: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
Groups including World Business Academy’s Safe Energy Project successfully lobby for closure (Click here for the Academy press release) Today a major goal of the World Business Academy’s Safe Energy Project has been achieved – Southern California Edison (SCE) has finally given in to public and regulatory pressure and decided to permanently close the San […]
Is an International Crackdown on Tax Avoidance On the Way?
The ongoing clashes between governments and multinationals over tax avoidance have fueled momentum for international tax cooperation and global tax reforms.