A 2021 report out of Stanford and MIT argues that in order for California to meets its 100% carbon-free by 2045 goals, the state should reverse course and delay closing Diablo Canyon for another decade or two. Pro-nuclear energy interests have been increasingly vocal in the past several months suggesting that the planned 2024 wind-down […]
nuclear power
Academy Moves Forward on Nuclear Crisis Awareness
On March 11, 2011, there was a seismic catastrophe unrelated to greenhouse gas emissions that devastated the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant and placed a huge question mark on the claims of nuclear fission to be a “clean” and relatively benign source of energy. Revelations over the past year have brought alarming clarity to the […]
2019: The Year of Climate Mobilization
By Robert Perry, Director of Energy Research “For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air.” – Treebeard, from The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien. For many, 2018’s seemingly endless succession of hurricanes, wildfires, and torrential storms, combined […]
Closing Diablo Canyon: Academy Files with Supreme Court
The World Business Academy asked the California Supreme Court on Monday July 23, to weigh in on its lawsuit to force Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) to study the environmental and human health dangers stemming from continued operation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in Avila Beach. The Academy filed a Petition for Review […]
Closing Diablo Canyon: Jerry Brown’s Journey
Closing Diablo Canyon: Jerry Brown’s Journey as an Anti-Nuclear Advocate The World Business Academy’s Director of the Safe Energy Project, Jerry Brown Phd., tells the story of his introduction into the anti-nuclear activist field after co-authoring Profiles in Power: The Antiunclear Movement and the Dawn of the Solar Age with Rinaldo S. Brutoco. From helping […]
Academy Continues Effort to Close Diablo, Protect CEQA
Academy files reply brief with the Court of Appeals We are pressing forth with our lawsuit seeking an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to address the significant environmental and human health dangers that will result from continued operation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant near San Luis Obispo. We filed a Reply Brief earlier on February 16th […]
The Clean Energy Moonshot – 100% Renewable CA in 10 Years!
Business and policymakers around the globe are waking up to the scope of the global warming crisis. With this crisis comes great opportunity: we currently have the technology and capital to support the transition to the next energy paradigm—the global implementation of 100-percent renewable energy. To catalyze this shift, we propose a challenge along the […]
CBS News Covers Ongoing Fukushima Disaster
CBS News visited the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan for a first-hand look at the ongoing disaster. Their conclusion: the estimated cost of the cleanup effort is currently $100 billion with a time horizon of 40 years. The World Business Academy continues to study the Fukushima disaster. The scale and scope of the cleanup […]
Rachel Maddow: Problems at Diablo Canyon
Rachel Maddow does a great job explaining just some of the major concerns with the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant on California’s central coast.
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Needs Urgent Attention
Sandbags have not been enough to stop the daily leak of 400 tons of radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactors.
The Nuclear Nemesis
Nuclear power is not the answer to our energy needs or the climate change crisis. Nuclear power plants produce more greenhouse gas emission than wind, and certainly fewer than coal, but that is not the issue. Building new nuclear plants to try to reduce carbon emissions would irrevocably commit the world to a plutonium economy, […]
Nuclear “SpinCo”
The nuclear industry, like Wall Street, knows how to make money with other people’s money: move liabilities off balance sheet, use lots of borrowed money and leverage, don’t worry about loading too much debt onto the company as long as insiders can walk away with plenty of money and look to the fool taxpayer to […]